After that, time was passed back to Joanna to do Grow, where we did Chap 2 of the New Calling Material. Today we looked at what God said in the Bible about loving God and loving people. We then got discussing about what are some things we could do in our everyday life to show love to people, and how to show God's love to the people around us. Tamera gave a great example of how when she meets people at her workplace such as the security guard, she would make it a point to greet them and appreciate them instead of walking past by them like others do. In this way, she believes she managed to show them that they were not invincible to her, and that she does appreciate their being there.
We then talked about the Great Commission of reaching the nations and discipling others as Jesus commanded. We found that to love people, we would also want to share to them about Christ, to win and nurture them into the Kingdom of God. After exchanging much thoughts, Joanna soon wrapped it up with a short time of prayer and Gear Up.
by Leona Lim