Thursday, March 30, 2006

Light in the Dark

Today we had our first subgroup carecell meeting. I was asked by dear Joanna to conduct New Calling chapter 4 on Salt and Light for subgroup 1 and John and Peter conducted another subgroup. We did Gel where Peter volunteered to be the first to light up his candle (yea we all brought some sort of candle). We all then went to a dark corner, and then Peter shared on how he felt being the only one with the light. Each of us then also shared on our feelings being in the dark. We then proceeded to get all our candles lighted up and split into our subgroups for the sharing from New Calling.

The guys decided to stay back in the house, while us girls headed to the nearby park. It just rained so it was quite wet, nevertheless we found ourselves a spot and just sat on the ground, and started our discussions. We talked and shared on Jesus calling us to be salt and light and what it means to our life. Then we challenged each other to do a CareAct for the week to our oikoses, something that causes our oikos to really notice the act of caring. We then prayed and headed back to check on the guys.

It was fun and different, and we really look forward to more discussions and applications of the Word of God.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

blogjunkie in da house!

Hey wassup! The blogjunkie a.k.a. David is in da house.

I just want to introduce myself as the newest team member of this blog... so, "Hi there".

I've been blogging for years, and this crazy fool has so many blogs you can't count them. If you're free, check out my other blogs:
If everyone thinks its a good idea, we'll put up an event calendar here too. I'm really glad to be participating in this blog (can you tell I'm so excited?!) and I hope there will be more participation here with everyone else too.

Till next time, may the big kahuna the Lord our God bless you many many. See ya!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

New feature: Email subscriptions

Hi everyone,

Because we know that you're so lazy to come check the blog every week, we've added a new feature that lets you receive the latest blog entries via email. You can subscribe to the email updates by using the sign up box in the sidebar on the left of this blog.

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What are you waiting for?? Go subscribe now! We'll be asking all of you to contribute to the blog at some time, so I'm sure you'd like everyone to read what you wrote right? Good, now go sign up.

The more technically inclined ones may prefer to subscribe directly to the Atom/XML feed, located at

Thanks for subscribing, and I hope that we'll see more interaction on this blog in the future. God bless!