Friday, November 10, 2006

Combined Czone Carecell November

Last Friday, 10 Nov, all Czone cells except Utar and Cyberjaya gathered in church for a combined carecell.

P1140875P1140875 Hosted on Zooomr

We had a time of Gel with games, and then had a good time searching through the Bible to identify certain verses given by Nicky, and match it to its context. We had to choose verses as given on the board to match Who are we in Christ, The Great Commandment and The Great Commission. It was fun and got us flipping quickly as it was a competition between three groups.

Czone combined carecell novemberCzone combined carecell november Hosted on Zooomr

The different carecells mixed together allowed us to get to know each other more...we had a fruitful time of discussion on Who we are in Christ and how we can apply it to our every lives.

The night is not complete without supper! We all proceeded to Ayza and feasted away. Check out the pics!

Czone combined carecell novemberCzone combined carecell november Hosted on Zooomr

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