Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Some talk and more

Thank you to everyone that brought snacks and drinks : ) very much appreciated. Especially, Li-Ann who cooked up a unique dessert! (aaww)

I'd like to encourage everyone to attend the Spiritual Parenting seminar coming up on May 5 – 7. The speaker is Ps Danny from Singapore and let me tell you, he knows his stuff. I've actually attended cell leaders training previously and reluctantly went for it again a few months ago – and no regrets! It was really good and I got a better understanding of what's going on. I believe it will be even better with Spiritual Parenting as it is something everyone (not just certain people) is to do! Confirm your attendance with myself by April 27 th please.

Last night we also talked about taking a short mission visit to Kampung Tekir (near Labu or somewhere). Jen Jen will be heading the trip and sending out emails with the details later. Let us all be part of this, regardless of how big or small a role – or what another person is doing. Committee is as below:

Organizer : Jen Jen

Chef : Li-Anne

Asst Chef : Heloise

Driver : Chin John

Co Driver : Aylwin


Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.